Tag: working professionals

Book Review: Ego Is the Enemy

While on summer vacation, I finally got my hands on Ryan Holiday’s Ego is the…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Growth, Leadership, Mindset Tagged , , , ,

How to Manage Your Rental Cash Flow

After you have rented out your property and can successfully cash flow, you need a…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Passive Investing, Personal Finances Tagged , , , , , , ,

Practicing Leadership In The Workplace

It may seem like the classical chicken before the egg conundrum – I must first…

 Posted in Career, Growth, Leadership Tagged , , , , ,

When Is It Time To Raise Rents?

I have been a rental property owner since 2019. From the beginning, I committed to…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , ,

3 Ways To Beat Inflation

Inflation is a force that each of us working professionals has to deal with in…

 Posted in Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , ,

A Sure Sign Of Happy Tenants

The proven method of obtaining a solid forecast of renewals is to gauge your tenants’…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , ,

This Is The Key Ingredient In Your Investment Recipe

Yes, some people have gotten wealthy overnight and these possibilities create jealousy over the luck…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Growth, Investment Fundamentals, Mindset Tagged , , , , ,

How To Invest Most Effectively

Getting started is very difficult. You need seed money. Your budget is tight as it…

 1 Comment on How To Invest Most Effectively    Posted in Getting Started, Growth, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , ,

A Special Skill for Any Organizational Leader

The technical skills are important. Certainly, you can and will learn the work. But what…

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How To Be Irreplaceable In Your Career

There is a myth that says in order to be irreplaceable, you must conceal what…

 Posted in Career, Growth, Leadership Tagged , , , , ,

How To Influence Your Community Through Rental Property Investing

Many people think of rental property investing as a means to an end, perhaps a…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Leadership, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , ,

3 Ways Landlords Keep Happy Tenants

One of the major operating expenses to your rental property is vacancy. Vacancy is the…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , ,

How To Tell If Your Property Is A Good Rental

Many first-time investors struggle with obtaining that first rental. Understandably, they deal with analysis paralysis….

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , ,

Why Now Is A Great Time To Be In Corporate America


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The Most Successful Investments

Some people think of the most successful investments as exotic and hard to understand. Actually,…

 Posted in Investment Fundamentals, Passive Investing, Personal Finances Tagged , , , ,

Setting Great Expectations With Your Property Manager

In 2021, I got a property manager for the first time. Having self-managed for two…

 Posted in Getting Started, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , ,

One Mistake In The Pursuit of Financial Freedom

Chasing financial freedom is not a bad thing. Freedom from debt, financial burden and generational…

 Posted in Getting Started, Growth, Passive Investing, Personal Finances Tagged , , ,

How to Be An Influential Leader Without Formal Authority

Inevitably, as a working professional, you will find yourself in the classic situation of needing…

 Posted in Career, Growth, Leadership Tagged , , , , ,

The Worst Career Advice I Ever Received

Many well-meaning people can often give sub-par advice. In the mix of great career advice…

 Posted in Career, Growth, Leadership Tagged , , , , ,

The Best Career Advice I Ever Received

I have heard a range of good advice to downright wrong suggestions for having a…

 1 Comment on The Best Career Advice I Ever Received    Posted in Career, Growth, Leadership Tagged , , , ,

Passive Multifamily Investor Guideline – After You Vet The Sponsor 💡

I have written numerous posts about doing your due diligence and vetting the sponsor prior…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Why Student Housing Could Be A Powerful Growth Investment

Especially after the pandemic, investors were very wary of student housing, a unique niche within…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

How To Seek Revenue-Driven Appreciation in Commercial Real Estate Investing

In an earlier post, two types of appreciation, we discussed market-driven appreciation, something that cannot…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , , , , ,

The Importance of Trustworthy Investment Firms for Your Passive Investment

For those who are new to private investing and passive investing in syndications, it can…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

The Characteristics of A Great Multifamily Investment

The multifamily asset class is proven to beat inflation, provide cash flow and outsized returns…

 Posted in Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,