Tag: real estate vs. stocks

3 Important Characteristics of Successful Investors

It pays to model what the greatest do, and it is no different when it…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Mindset Tagged , , , , , , ,

3 Clues On The Rent Roll For Every Apartment Investor

Along with the T-12, reviewing the rent roll is a great starting point at underwriting…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

The Two Largest Operating Expenses In Apartment Ownership

If you are considering actively or passively investing in apartment syndications, it is probably a…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

How To Overcome The Fear of Risk

Today, on the video channel, I discuss how to creat habits that allow us to…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Mindset, Passive Investing, Personal Finances Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

The Importance of Unit Turns In Apartment Investing

When investing in apartment syndications, whether actively or passively as a limited partner (LP) it…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

How To Prepare for A Recession

Today, on the video channel, I discuss recessions and the clues from the news that…

 Posted in Channel, Mindset, Personal Finances Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Why Real Estate Is The Best Asset Class on The Planet

Today, on the video channel, I talk about the four reasons that I believe real…

 Posted in Channel, General Real Estate Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

5 Steps To Your First Passive Investment In An Apartment Syndication

1. Get Educated It pays dividends to invest in your thinking. What is financial freedom?…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

The Best Investing Is Always Long Term

Today, on the video channel, I talk about the criticality of Long-Term thinking in the…

 Posted in Channel, General Real Estate Investing, Mindset Tagged , , , , , , ,

Change Of Plans for 2022

Today, on the video channel, I talk about why I decided not to sell my…

 Posted in Channel, General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

3 Ways To Network With Other Apartment Investors

As busy professionals who aspire to grow passive income and wealth through real estate estate…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Mindset, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

What is Not Considered in Stocks vs. Real Estate Comparisons

I noticed in the many stocks vs. real estate comparisons that I have reviewed as…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

3 Best Books For Developing The Passive Investor Mindset

The hardest thing about taking massive action in your finances is developing your mindset. Without…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

Why Busy Professionals Should Consider Passively Investing in Apartment Syndications

We busy professionals may work in different fields and have varying degrees of studies and…

 Posted in Apartments, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

Why Do I Write So Many Blog Posts on Real Estate Investing?

If you stuck with me this long, you’d see that I have over a hundred…

 Posted in Apartments, Economics, General Real Estate Investing, Mindset, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing, Personal Finances Tagged , , , , , , ,

2 Practical Takeaways About Inflation for the Working Professional

I have been writing and talking about inflation increasingly more during these uncertain times. As…

 Posted in Economics, General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Mindset, Passive Investing, Personal Finances Tagged , , , , , ,

Assessing Risk vs. Reward in The Investment Decision 💡

Risk ⚠️ Every decision we make involves risk. Often we subconsciously base our decisions upon…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Mindset, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Where Your Treasure Is, So Is Your Heart ❤️

This phrase was written many centuries ago, and still is relevant to today. We are…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Mindset Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

3 Powerful Advantages of Multifamily Real Estate Investing

Although I started my real estate investing journey in single family housing, I knew that…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

How Real Estate Experience Helps My Broader Investment Strategy 💡

I began my investing journey in the stock market. I read lots of books and…

 Posted in Economics, General Real Estate Investing, Passive Investing, Personal Finances Tagged , , , , , ,

How To Manage Investment Risk In Multifamily Real Estate ⚠️

The key fundamental of investing is to 1) protect investor capital and 2) to grow…

 Posted in Economics, General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , , , ,

Real Estate As A Wealth Shelter 🏠

Many working professionals think of real estate as an avenue for wealth creation. And they…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,

Understanding Real Assets vs. Financial Assets in Passive Investing

In a world where there are millions of different strategies to investing, it pays to…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Mindset, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,

I Sold My First Rental (For Double What I Paid) ‼️

We did it! It is 2022 and after six years of owning this house, we…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

3 Reasons Real Estate Funds Are Great For Passive Investors

If you are not familiar with a real estate fund, it is a pool of…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , ,