Tag: passive investing

An Explanation of Absorption in Commercial Real Estate

Here at Robinson Capital, we are data driven. We love to identify markets and undervaluation…

 Posted in Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

Ensuring Resident Safety In Multifamily Investments

We wrote about it in The Greater Responsibility of Multifamily Investing because we see this…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

Cash is King Debunked

When it comes to wealth building, different people have different ideas. Some people want to…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Mindset Tagged , , , , , , ,

Buyer Beware: The Importance of Due Diligence in Multi-Family Real Estate

Multi-family investments can be very rewarding. You have the benefits of scale – both in…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , ,

The Disadvantages of Earned Income For Wealth Builders

Most working professionals rely on one type of income, and that is from their w-2…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Mindset, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

3 Things To Look for in the Competition for Multi-Family Rentals

Back when I was a leasing agent in college, we would go around once a…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

What is Asset Management In Real Estate Syndication?

You may already be familiar with the concept of apartment syndication. Investing in these multi-family…

 Posted in Apartments, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

How Passive Income Can Make Working Professionals “Job-Optional”

Passive vs. Earned Income Passive Income is more scalable than earned income. Why is that?…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

Calculating the IRR of a Passive Investment

One of the key metrics of investment returns is the internal rate of return, or…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

Analysis Paralysis And How To Treat Its Symptoms

When it comes to investing, there are two general types of interested participants: Those who…

 Posted in Getting Started, Mindset Tagged , , , , , ,

Short-Term Pain and Long-Term Opportunities

Happy New Year ‼️🎈🎆 Warren Buffet famously said to be fearful when others are greedy…

 Posted in Economics, General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Personal Finances, Stocks and Options Tagged , , , , , , ,

What Every Passive Investor Needs To Know About Good Money Managers

As passive investors, it pays to know what to expect from a high performing private…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Trade Journal 04: Why Rivian Stock Dropped 5% On Monday

Rivian recently announced that the previous joint venture with Mercedes to develop a commercial van…

 Posted in Stocks and Options Tagged , , , , , ,

Improving Apartment Safety and Tenant Quality

The subject of resident safety and welfare is not often discussed in the apartment investing…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Trade Journal 03: Long Term Stock Investments for October 2022

During this bearish earnings season I took the opportunity to buy some long term positions…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Stocks and Options Tagged , , , ,

Big Dreams Are For Weird People

“Everything Popular is Wrong” – Oscar Wilde The popular pathWhen I was, like most teenagers,…

 Posted in Mindset Tagged , , , , , ,

What Everyone Should Consider Before Passively Investing in Multifamily

Passive investors have much to consider when evaluating the multifamily investment opportunity. Among knowing and…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Mindset, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

What is a Private Placement Memorandum?

A private placement memorandum (PPM) is a legal document required by law for syndicators who…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

How To Take Advantage of Market Volatility 📈

Now is a very difficult time to be in the stock market. If you held…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Investment Fundamentals, Passive Investing, Personal Finances, Stocks and Options Tagged , , , , , , ,

3 Great Benefits Apartment Investors Gain From Property Tours

When a broker lists a multifamily asset for sale, they usually hold property tours for…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

Tax Advantages in Multi-Family Investing

One of the unique features of real estate investing is its awesome tax advantages. Real…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

The Problem With Diversification

Diversification is good. Spreading your wealth and wealth-building tools across various asset classes and types…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

The Best Preparation for a Recession

Hello Friends, Please check out the latest updates on my video channel about the stock…

 Posted in Channel, Economics, Investment Fundamentals, Market Reviews, Personal Finances Tagged , , , , , , , ,

5 Simple Steps to Your First Passive Multifamily Investment

By now you are convinced that multifamily is an effective wealth-building asset and you are…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

The Dangers of Mediocrity in Our Financial Perspective

In this lifetime, most of us are well-meaning; we want good for ourselves and others…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Mindset Tagged , , , , , ,