Tag: apartment syndication

3 Creative Funding Sources for First-Time Multifamily Passive Investors

A question that I usually get from new investors is how much cash is needed…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

The Most Important Personal Asset in Real Estate Investing

What does it take? What does it take to be truly successful in building lasting…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

3 Great Takeaways From My First In-Person Multifamily Investing Conference

This past weekend was insanely amazing! I attended the Jake and Gino Multifamily Mastery 4…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

Valuable Lessons Learned From A Recent Apartment Tour

I recently had the chance to tour an Orlando apartment complex listed for sale for…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

What is Capex In Multifamily Investing?

Capital expenditures is as much a part of doing business as changing diapers is a…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

The Greater Responsibility of MultiFamily Investing

We often talk about wealth building as the most attractive part of being a multifamily…

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3 Ways to Increase Occupancy In Multifamily Investing

When investing in apartments, the one thing that matters, after the health, safety and welfare…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

From Debt Snowball to Wealth Snowball

For anyone familiar with Dave Ramsey’s teachings, a very core area of his financial peace…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Mindset Tagged , , , , , ,

The Best Investment Education You Can Get

I have interacted with many people who have been interested in learning about the wealth-building…

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What Are Turnkey Rentals And Are They Good Passive Investments?

Many beginning or aspiring investors ask about the concept of buying a Turnkey Rental, which…

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Using Leading Indicators to Be Competitive In Multifamily Investing

Competition for Real Assets This is certainly a competitive time for multifamily investors. During this…

 Posted in Apartments, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

How Aggressive Underwriting Can Destroy Your Multifamily Investment

In today’s multifamily space, you have to look at twice as many apartment offerings to…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , , , ,

How to Apply the Insurance Business Model To Multifamily Real Estate Investing

The insurance business is a great business model. In fact, it is so good from…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , , , ,

How to Reduce Loss to Lease in Multifamily Investing

Whereas in the the single-family space, owners get a general gauge on going rents for…

 Posted in Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

5 Great Frequently Asked Questions About Apartment Investing

Check out these 5 top questions that I found are among the most frequent that…

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Guest Appearance on Make It Rain Podcast

I had the privilege to join all-stars Daisy and Luc Serrano on the Make It…

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Ask an Expert – Guest Appearance on Diary of An Apartment Investor Podcast

I am super thankful to have had the opportunity to join Brian Briscoe and Guest…

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The Key Investment Criteria for any Great Real Estate Market

Any great real estate investment market needs this one thing. Without it, there is no…

 Posted in Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

Why Apartment Syndication is Not for Everyone

I recently read “Syndication is a B*tch – And Other Truths You Haven’t Been Told”…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

Two Different Types of Appreciation in Real Estate Investing

One of the primary reasons that people invest in real estate is for the reward…

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The Cash-Flowing Power of Real Estate

If you are not familiar with the attraction to real estate and the reason why…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , , ,

Recession-Proof Investing And Why It Works

There are so many ways to build wealth – certainly some are much riskier than…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , ,

Is Anyone Reading My Blog?

Well, if you are reading this, thank you… The data shows that most people reading…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Mindset Tagged , , , , , , ,

How To Validate Rents During Underwriting and Due Diligence

The due diligence process is the time to ensure that rents are as advertised and…

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Why People Choose to Rent Over Home Ownership

Why is it that someone would choose to rent versus own their home? After all,…

 Posted in Apartments, General Real Estate Investing, Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,