2 Practical Takeaways About Inflation for the Working Professional

2 Practical Takeaways About Inflation for the Working Professional

I have been writing and talking about inflation increasingly more during these uncertain times. As stated in this earlier post,...
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Assessing Risk vs. Reward in The Investment Decision 💡

Assessing Risk vs. Reward in The Investment Decision 💡

Risk ⚠️ Every decision we make involves risk. Often we subconsciously base our decisions upon the associated risks. For example,...
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Where Your Treasure Is, So Is Your Heart ❤️

Where Your Treasure Is, So Is Your Heart ❤️

This phrase was written many centuries ago, and still is relevant to today. We are people who spend much time...
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3  Powerful Advantages of Multifamily Real Estate Investing

3 Powerful Advantages of Multifamily Real Estate Investing

https://youtu.be/tZOVybJfq-s Although I started my real estate investing journey in single family housing, I knew that the end goal would...
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How Real Estate Experience Helps My Broader Investment Strategy 💡

How Real Estate Experience Helps My Broader Investment Strategy 💡

https://youtu.be/13fAy8yxSkI I began my investing journey in the stock market. I read lots of books and followed lots of content....
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How To Manage Investment Risk In Multifamily Real Estate ⚠️

How To Manage Investment Risk In Multifamily Real Estate ⚠️

The key fundamental of investing is to 1) protect investor capital and 2) to grow wealth. Especially during this time...
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Real Estate As A Wealth Shelter 🏠

Real Estate As A Wealth Shelter 🏠

Many working professionals think of real estate as an avenue for wealth creation. And they should. It was my primary...
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Understanding Real Assets vs. Financial Assets in Passive Investing

Understanding Real Assets vs. Financial Assets in Passive Investing

In a world where there are millions of different strategies to investing, it pays to have a simple approach. One...
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I Sold My First Rental (For Double What I Paid) ‼️

I Sold My First Rental (For Double What I Paid) ‼️

We did it! It is 2022 and after six years of owning this house, we have sold it. It was...
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3 Reasons Real Estate Funds Are Great For Passive Investors

3 Reasons Real Estate Funds Are Great For Passive Investors

If you are not familiar with a real estate fund, it is a pool of investor capital collected by a...
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The Most Attractive Benefit of Being A Passive Investor In Real Estate

The Most Attractive Benefit of Being A Passive Investor In Real Estate

Half the planet wants to invest in real estate but does not know how. They think that to be a...
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What I Learned From Selling My Stocks When COVID Hit 💡

What I Learned From Selling My Stocks When COVID Hit 💡

It was March 2020 and things were getting interesting very fast. Talks about the Coronavirus hitting the U.S. and people...
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Pivoting My Personal Investment Strategy in 2022

Pivoting My Personal Investment Strategy in 2022

We each see various aspects of the world differently. But one thing we may all agree on is that change...
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The Best Way for Real Estate Investors to Adapt to Rising Interest Rates

The Best Way for Real Estate Investors to Adapt to Rising Interest Rates

The Fed has recently announced plans to raise interest rates. The stock market reacted with horror. There was a significant...
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Am I Being Too Subtle? – A Book Review of Sam Zell’s Autobiograpy 📖

Am I Being Too Subtle? – A Book Review of Sam Zell’s Autobiograpy 📖

I just finished reading Sam Zell’s autobiography, Am I Being Too Subtle - Straight Talk From a Business Rebel, and...
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The Concept of Risk in Investing

The Concept of Risk in Investing

Risk is a word that is often associated with a negative meaning. It symbolizes something dangerous that should avoided because,...
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The Importance of Cash Flow on Day One

The Importance of Cash Flow on Day One

Multi-family investing is no easy feat, especially when investors are involved. Accounting for all the variables - market, location, property...
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Two Types of Risks In Any Real Estate Investment

Two Types of Risks In Any Real Estate Investment

Risk is a fundamental characteristic of investing and it is precisely risk that rewards investors. But not all risks are...
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What Inflation Means for Working Professionals

What Inflation Means for Working Professionals

The Labor Department recently stated that the Consumer Price Index jumped 7% last year. That is a 39-year high! While...
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Investing Using The Principles of Supply and Demand

Investing Using The Principles of Supply and Demand

Investing is not difficult to learn. Actually, I believe it involves unlearning behaviors. Unlearning to use emotions to make financial...
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