5 Great Frequently Asked Questions About Apartment Investing

5 Great Frequently Asked Questions About Apartment Investing

Check out these 5 top questions that I found are among the most frequent that working professionals ask when they...
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Guest Appearance on Make It Rain Podcast

Guest Appearance on Make It Rain Podcast

I had the privilege to join all-stars Daisy and Luc Serrano on the Make It Rain podcast. Their podcast is...
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Ask an Expert – Guest Appearance on Diary of An Apartment Investor Podcast

Ask an Expert – Guest Appearance on Diary of An Apartment Investor Podcast

I am super thankful to have had the opportunity to join Brian Briscoe and Guest Tim Bratz on the Diary...
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The Key Investment Criteria for any Great Real Estate Market

The Key Investment Criteria for any Great Real Estate Market

Any great real estate investment market needs this one thing. Without it, there is no long term sustainable growth. It...
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Why Apartment Syndication is Not for Everyone

Why Apartment Syndication is Not for Everyone

I recently read “Syndication is a B*tch - And Other Truths You Haven’t Been Told” by Bruce Peterson and it...
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Two Different Types of Appreciation in Real Estate Investing

Two Different Types of Appreciation in Real Estate Investing

One of the primary reasons that people invest in real estate is for the reward of appreciation. The pay day...
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The Cash-Flowing Power of Real Estate

The Cash-Flowing Power of Real Estate

If you are not familiar with the attraction to real estate and the reason why most of the wealthy own...
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Recession-Proof Investing And Why It Works

Recession-Proof Investing And Why It Works

There are so many ways to build wealth - certainly some are much riskier than others. The best type of...
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Is Anyone Reading My Blog?

Is Anyone Reading My Blog?

Well, if you are reading this, thank you… The data shows that most people reading my blog are new visitors...
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How To Validate Rents During Underwriting and Due Diligence

How To Validate Rents During Underwriting and Due Diligence

The due diligence process is the time to ensure that rents are as advertised and the potential for rent growth...
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Why People Choose to Rent Over Home Ownership

Why People Choose to Rent Over Home Ownership

Why is it that someone would choose to rent versus own their home? After all, we have all heard that...
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How Did Multifamily Demand Stack up Against Other Commercial Real Estate in Q2?

How Did Multifamily Demand Stack up Against Other Commercial Real Estate in Q2?

Demand for multifamily assets remain strong even during this ongoing pandemic. Check out the following excerpt and data from Marcus...
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Real Estate Investing For Working Professionals

Real Estate Investing For Working Professionals

Did you know that it is possible to invest in real estate while working your day job? And without being...
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Comparing The Various MultiFamily Housing Class Categories

Comparing The Various MultiFamily Housing Class Categories

When acquiring multifamily assets, there are general subjective categories of housing that are based on demographics, age of build, quality...
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The Biggest Financial Threat To Working Professionals

The Biggest Financial Threat To Working Professionals

As working professionals, we have much to manage: our current work responsibilities, staying on top of our professional growth, family...
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The Most Important Lesson I Learned from Real Estate Investing

The Most Important Lesson I Learned from Real Estate Investing

I want to share with you the most imporant lesson, one that caused me to rethink my approach to real...
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1 Valuable Real Estate Lesson Explained

1 Valuable Real Estate Lesson Explained

As you may know, in addition to my venture into multifamily investing, I also own single family rentals. Single families...
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Managing Income in MultiFamily Operations

Managing Income in MultiFamily Operations

Income is so essential to multi-family investments that without it, there is no return. The primary source of income in...
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It Took Me 3 Years to Complete My MBA and This is What I Gained

It Took Me 3 Years to Complete My MBA and This is What I Gained

I finally did it in 2021. I embarked on this journey in August of 2017. I charted the course: when...
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The 3 Largest Expenses In Multifamily Operations

The 3 Largest Expenses In Multifamily Operations

When it comes to multifamily operations, management of net operating income is key to creating value. Aside from optimizing income...
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