Practicing Leadership In The Workplace

It may seem like the classical chicken before the egg conundrum – I must first obtain a leadership position before I can practice being a leader – but there are things you can do today to prepare for your future role as a leader. And most importantly, leaders are more than their positions. Anyone can be a leader. So this is how you practice.

Awareness and Imitation

Think about any leader that you have seen do it well. What did they do right and what was admirable? Do those things today? Did they inspire with thought provoking questions and stories, were they personable, did they give generously of themselves to others? Become aware of your default behaviors and practice these exercises. At first it may not feel genuine, but soon enough your actions and behaviors will be filled with your personal touch, creating your own leadership style.

Start Today

Everyone wants to do something massive in his or her lifetime. Unfortunately, many wait until this unidentifiable time in the future where they are “in a position” to make a difference. Even in your humble role, you can exercise your leadership muscle. It may even be the reason for your next promotion.

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Author: Rodney