Yesterday, while stopped at a red light on the way to work, I encountered a homeless man holding a sign asking for help from the community. Lately, instead of money, I have been wanting to give practical things, such as clothes or food, to those in need. After all, money is just a medium of exchange. What we really value are the things it can buy, and in the case of those whose basic needs are not met, the things we need for survival.
An Apple For Lunch
I considered what I had to give and remembered I had an apple in my lunch box. I would love to tell you I was excited about the thought of giving my apple, but the truth is, my lunch was light and the apple was a snack that I knew I would need to get me through the day. However, I knew this guy could use the apple more than I could. So I gave him the apple. He was very thankful and responded with “God bless you.”
I continued my drive with less thought given to what had just occurred, no longer disappointed about my lack of an apple for lunch. But when I got to work, something amazing happened. In the break room, on the table were two apples! Not one, but two!
It had only been minutes since my generous exchange with that man, and the Lord restored my lunch as if I had never given away my apple. In fact, there was more available.
Giving Back
This may not sound like a powerful story to some, but because of what it meant to me to give up that apple, it certainly is profound. It is a clear message that we are here on this Earth to bless others, to be producers and leave a mark bigger than ourselves. In the process, God continues to bless us, and sometimes, we have more than what we give up. This is what I call God’s economy.
One last thing: I said there were two apples. I only took the one…I chose to leave the extra apple for the next person. Someone who may need it more than me. I had more than enough.
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