There are so many ways to build wealth – certainly some are much riskier than others.
The best type of investments are those that can withstand the cyclical nature of economics, those that do not take rare genius and impeccable timing and those whose returns are based on proven models and a track record of good performance.
This is why i recommend real estate for working professionals who already have a 401k and other traditional investments. Real estate is one of the few investments that meet a basic human need. (Let’s recap, shall we: Food, Clothing and Shelter). Put simply, people always need a place to live.
Even In Crisis…
Maybe this is part of the reason why as I write this, in July 2021, amidst a year and a half-long COVID crisis, 94% of rent payments were made int he U.S (see data Marcus and Millichap below).
People Need Housing.
According to the Wall Street Journal, it is estimated that there is a housing shortage of nearly 4 millions of units in the U.S. Compound that with a growing population and migration to growing areas, in specific high-growth areas there is a massive shortage of housing. That is why builders are building and rents are growing.
For investors, this means opportunities….opportunities to find and understand new markets and what is driving them and invest. Right now, places like Florida and Texas are attracting much migration from the North and higher-cost of living areas.
Multifamily Investing
Working professionals who learn of opportunities to invest multifamily and in great markets can do very well. If you are not very familiar with multifamily investing, this blog is a great resource. Check out some of our great articles recommended below and on the sidebar and download our free Passive Investor Startup Guide. Schedule a call to find out is passive investing is right for you.
💡Invest Your Retirement w/ eQRP
– How To Use Your 401k To Invest In Real Estate